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Services Offered

* Advice * Domestic Violence * Family law
* Labour issues * Child and women abuse  * Land evictions
* Consumer rights  * Referrals * Anti Xenophobia



Plans for the future

Advice centre

The centre will provide counseling, advice, consultation, referrals, mediation and information. It will also conduct workshops and seminars for the community.


The centre will use media materials and activities such as pamphlets, radio interviews, newspaper articles, posters/billboards, t-shirts and awareness campaigns targeted at the community.


In order to fully involve the community in all its decisions, meetings will be hosted by the advice centre for stakeholders to bring on board wider sections of the community. Mass meetings will also be held to enhance accountability through report-backs and information gathering.

Despite all the problems Orange Farm Human Rights Centre experiences, it has faced (and continues to face) those challenges head on. This organisation truly serves as inspiration for all in the Human Rights Sector. In the 16 years of democracy, Orange Farm is an example of communities in South Africa that are poor and marginalized. These communities lack basic services such as land, water and housing. It is up to us as South Africans to help and assist poor and marginalized communities in order to improve the quality of life and fulfill the rights guaranteed in the Constitution.

There is an important lesson to be learnt from this organisation: Rather look at the glass as being half full rather than half empty.